A range of freely-available tools and learning resources to assist comminution engineers.



Accuracy (+/-) %
Number of samples
Two-sided t-Score
Coefficient of variation %

To learn more, watch Session 2 of the SMC Masterclass series that demonstrates a worked example.

About this tool

Sample coefficient of variation (cvs): Variability as defined by the standard deviation divided by the mean of the hardness values obtained from the n samples. In a greenfield design situation where there is no pre-existing hardness variability data, a reasonable starting assumption is that the cv is equal to mean value of the other deposits containing your ore type in the SMC Testing database of 1900+ deposits. This can be selected by using the "SMC Preset" option. The overall mean value of all ore types is 31%.

Accuracy (%): this is the range that the mean of the n hardness values will fall in with the probability defined by the confidence level. The mean and associated accuracy are vaild only for the volume of the orebody that the n samples were taken from, providing the samples were evenly distributed throughout this volume. This volume, divided by the treatment rate of the comminution circuit (expressed as cu.m/hr) gives the time that it takes for the volume to be processed. This time period is known as the resolution associated with the accuracy. Hence, if the n samples were taken from a volume which will take 1 year to process then the resolution would be annual and the accuracy and coefficient of variation refer to the mean annual hardness for that year only. If, say, the same accuracy was required for estimating the mean monthly hardness then the resolution would be monthly and the n samples would have to be taken from monthly volumes.

Confidence level (cl): probability that the mean of the n hardness values will fall within the range indicated by the accuracy value. It can be thought of as being related to the risk of getting the wrong answer, in this case getting a mean hardness value from the n samples which is further from the true value than expected from the indicated accuracy. For example with a confidence level of 95% the risk of getting the wrong answer is 5% and with a 90% cl the risk is 10% etc.

Disclaimer & Terms of Use

Nothing contained in the calculators, equations or other information on this website constitutes advice. Access to the calculators, equations and other information is donated for academic and research purposes only, and must only be used by qualified comminution engineers. Comminution engineers considering the calculators, equations and other information must use their own professional judgement, knowledge and expertise when deciding whether it is appropriate to apply them to any particular scenario.
The calculators, equations and other information are a guide only and may not be appropriate for use in all situations or settings. The decision whether to adopt or not adopt any of the calculators, equations and other information must be made by each comminution engineer on a case-by-case basis.
The calculators, equations and other information do not guarantee any specific outcome, result or benefit, nor does their availability or publication give rise to any duty of care. They are not necessarily inclusive of all appropriate or possible approaches or solutions, or exclusive of others.
SMC Testing Pty Ltd and its officers, employees and agents make no representations and give no warranties, express or implied, in relation to the calculators, equations and other information or their accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness, and accept no responsibility for their accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness.
To the maximum extent permitted by law, none of SMC Testing Pty Ltd, its officers, employees or agents, nor any other person accepts any liability for any loss, claim, damages, costs or expenses of whatever nature (whether or not foreseeable) and howsoever caused, including, without limitation, any liability arising from fault or negligence on the part of any of them or any other person, for any loss arising from use of the calculators, equations or other information or otherwise arising in connection with any errors or omissions in them.

Number of Samples

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